
269 Items

C001 A photograph of Barbara Wahlers, curator, and Lyn Green, president, photographed with the ladies clothing used in the Cranbury Museum exhibit, Cranbury, New Jersey, "Victorian Lady."

C002 This is a photograph of the Grain Company located in Cranbury Station close to the railroad.

C003 This is an incomplete portrait of Mrs. Wright at her easel.

C004 This is a portrait of Lyn Green with an English tea caddy.

C005 A photograph of the 50th wedding anniversary celebration in honor of Fred and Bessie Eiker, July 18, 1959. Thiry-seven family member's names are included.

C006 This photograph was taken after a thunder storm. Large branches fell on power lines, killing all electric power. Scattered branches and leaves are visible.

C007 This photograph was taken from 10 North Main Street, Cranbury, New Jersey by the Cranbury Press, showing houses and a few automobiles. Houses are very clear up to the United Methodist Church.

C008 A photograph of Tom Sadlowski, head of Middlesex County Cultural Heritage Commission, and family on a walking tour directed by Barbara Wahlers.

C009 A portrait of Ken Logan, Chief of Police, in his office.

C010 Four members appearing in costume on the front porch of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey.

C011 This photograph shows the subject, Ernest Campbell, standing among the headstones of Brainerd Cemetery, Cranbury, New Jersey.

C012 A photograph of Mr. Nelson Petty, harnessmaker,(1852-1944) standing in front of his shop, located on North Main Street.

C013 This photograph is of the doorway of the United Methodist Church. The architectural design on the door and above are very clear.

C014 This photograph shows a near view of the historical section of the Brainerd Cemetery, Cranbury, New Jersey.

C015 This is a photograph of the Cranbury Mural. It was conceived, designed and painted by Lee Stang Harr. The mural depicts places, people and events in Cranbury history and is located in the Post Office.

C016 This photograph shows the interior of the United Methodist Church. The photo has an east view showing three stained glass windows, pews, and hymnals in rack, and flag in front of one window.

C017 This photograph shows the interior of the church facing the altar. It shows the complete interior, including ceiling, windows, aisle, pews and altar, and choir stalls.

C018 A photograph of a framed photograph of the interior of the church, including first eight pews, choir stalls, organ and organ pipes, and a portion of the ceiling.


C020 This photograph shows the headstone of Reuben Griggs. He died August 1, 1868 at 79-years-old. There is a bird standing on top of the stone in full sunlight. Other stones are in the background.

C021 This photograph was taken for the 250th Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey. New Jersey glass bottles were being sold to commemorate this event. Reverend Van Cleef and D.J. Swanagan are seen examining and admiring the bottles.

C022 This is a photograph of a birthday celebration for Mrs. Mary MacNeil on her 104th birthday, August 3, 1984, at Sunnyfield Nursing Home. Elijah MacNeil and Christine Harrison-MacNeil are also visible.

C023 A photograph of the artist Jane Zingg-Huff and her mother Halchen Zingg attending an exhibit of Jane's art held at the Cranbury Public Library.

C024 This photograph was taken from the northwest corner of the United Methodist Church. Architectural features atr not clear and parts of the church are covered by two trees.

C025 This photograph shows the former grocery store and Puerschner's barber shop between 1790-1825 at 11 North Main Street. Also visible is Samuel Disbrow Jr.'s house, c1830 at 13 North Main Street; the Cranbury Press was published here.

C026 A photograph of Cranbury Paint and Hardware at 33 North Main Street, Cranbury, New Jersey, 1865. This shop has been used over 125 years as a store.

C027 This photograph of 22 North Main Street shows six bay, two fireplaces, and five columns supporting a flat roofed porch. The buildnig is A.S. Cole Funeral Home. Ezekial Silvers was the founder of the business. Cole, age 14, worked for Silvers.

C028 This photograph shows a front view of a two story stucco building. It has a small peak, two windows, and four bays for fire trucks. There are four lights across the front.

C029 A photograph of the high school graduation class standing in front of double doors. It is a class of ten girls, three boys.

C030 A photograph of eighteen uniformed members with instruments in front of a wooden structure with bunting draped.

C031 This photograph is of three fireman who are Steve Lindfeld, Jeff Graydon, and Wal Rodenfeld.

C032 A photograph of the interior of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey, taken from the rear facing the altar. In view are lectern, pulpit, cross, candles, choir stalls, and several rows of pews.

C033 A photograph of the interior of the Perrine Wing, with Mrs. Lyn Green, president, standing beside exhibit case of fine of chinaware.

C034 A photograph of the subject, Jacqueline Bencze, packing cookies for residents of Skillman Home for Boys as Christmas gifts.

C035 This is a photograph of Odd Fellows Hall, c.1889. The building was the Cranbury Post Office 1910-1971 and later used for various shops. Note the Odd Felows and Masons symbols upper facade.

C036 A photograph of 33 North Main Street showing Cranbury Paint and Hardware, former home of Schnell's Bakery.

C037 A photograph of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey with a view of the front of the vestibule showing two large windows, double doors,two large columns with square piers, pediment, fan light,and tower.

C038 Cranbury Press house shows two columns with square piers and small pediment. Samuel Disbrow, 1810 Marker.

C039 This photograph shows an 1800 marker. Shown is a brick house painted white. Doctors Sansbury, Lott, Voorhees, and Symmes practiced here. There is an addition to the rear right.

C040 This photograph shows a view of front of the olod school in full sunlight, framed by dark boughs and leaves. It is summer and the tower is obliterated by trees.

C041 This building was located approximately where the Village Gazebo is. The photograph includes two men, a driver with a carriage and one horse, and milk can.

C042 A photograph of seventeen men assembled in uniform in front of first American LaFrance Mechanical Truck. Visible are metal hats on a rack on the truck. Harvey Dey collected donations for buying the truck. F. Reid, W. Stonaker, and M. Brown are all visible.

C043 A photograph of a double house, with house number 69 having three bays across. House number 71 has a pointed roof. There are two doors. Jirah Bulkley, Conn. schoolmaster, c.1842 marker.

C044 A photograph of the land that the Cranbury Inn was built on. The land was part of Handley Tract, 1780.

C045 A photograph of the Wheelwright Shop, at 6 Station Rd., owned and operated by William S. Appleget and son Edward W. Appleget. William bought the Cranbury Inn, once known as United States Hotel.

C046 A group photograph of all of the students on and in front of the rear entrance of the Old School. The photograph is very clear.

C048 This photograph shows Mary Gulick Bradley, teacher, and students. She was the mother of Frances Bradley L'Hommedieu. Also shown are boys wearing high button shoes, short pants, and jackets.

C049 This is a group photograph taken at the Hoffman homestead near Jamesburg. All women are in long skirts and white waists and there is an old woman in a wheel chair. Alvin Anderson, Ella Anderson, and Harvery Hoffman are visible in the picture.

C050 This photograph shows a softball team with ten seated players in uniform and two managers. Double A (AA) patch on the right-hand side of shirts.

C051 A photograph of the artist, Jane Zingg, and her mother, Halchen Zingg attending an exhibit of Jane's held at the Public library.

C051d This photograph shows a three story house at 82 North Main Street with porch supported by four columns, six bays across, arched dormer, and two chimneys. A flag is mounted on the porch.

C052 A photograph of Karen Moutenout and Eugene Ernest participating in Middlesex County Tercentennial Project, 1983, "Cranbury Bound." The third person is Judy Dossin.

C053 A photograph of Cranbury Postmaster, Ron Hopkins, appointed after Wayne Stahl had retired.

C054 A photograph of Cranbury artist Lee Stang Harr who, in 1983, painted the mural of Cranbury people and history that hangs in the Cranbury Post Office.

C055 A group photograph of all students, taken at side entrance of the Old School.

C056 A group photograph of people attending Dedication Meeting, July 4񫹻. L.t.r. Morton Field, Jr., Betty Wagner, Robin Van Cleve, unknown and Emma Stults.

C057 A second grade class of 47 students, of whom 24 children are identified. The teacher is Anna Ervin.

C058 This photograph shows the facade of the Midatlantic National Bank with the water tower shown in the rear. The bank is located at 32 North Main St.

C059 This photograph shows a front view of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey, close-up from ground level up to, and including, the tower.

C060 A photograph of the train waiting at the station. Harvey Dey's carriage and horse are waiting, people are walking, milk cans are waiting, and the high bridge is still standing.

C061 A photograph of the Post Office, from curb up to the double doors, almost complete full face view.

C062 A photograph taken from southwest corner of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey. The photograph shows four large trees, five windows on south side of church, full tower and double columns.

C063 This photograph shows a home at 107 North Main Street with a four bay porch supported by elegant ironwork with ironwork columns. It was once owned by Comm. Thomas Truxton, U.S.Navy.

C064 A photograph of a dedication ceremony, July 4, 1979, in the school gym. Group picture includes Bill Hoffman, speaker; left of speaker Fred Eden, Barry Clayton, Tom Weidner, Robert Jones, John Ziegler, and Don Armstrong.

C065 A photograph of Ernest Campbell kneeling by the marker of the grave of Dr. Hezekiah Stites, one of Cranbury's earliest physicians.

C066 This is a photograph of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey interior. Congregation and choir pews, upstairs and down, with five windows included, hanging light fixtures, and sunshine are all visible.

C067 A half portrait of the subject, Arthur Romweber, from the waist up holding a telephone. Mr. Romweber was the town clerk.

C068 A photograph with a partial front view of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey. The photograph includes two columns, entrance porch, doors and windows, fan light in pediment, and tower.

C069 This photograph shows 22 S.Main St. with a partial facade and tower. It includes portion of columns, pediment and tower, taken at an angle, pointing skyward.

C070 Organic gardener, Robert Tracy, is photographed here with his rainguage which recorded over four inches of rain.

C071 This is an oval portrait of Peter and Cora Bergen. Mr. Bergen wears glasses, has dark hair and a white beard. Mrs. Bergen has a lace standup with lace pendant.

C072 This photograph shows the Brown and Gibson General Store located in Cranbury Station. Wagon and horses are visible in front, as well as three men in suits and two ladies in front of a nearby house.

C073 This photograph shows a Civil War drill room, a place where men drilled to become soldiers. Cranbury Cook and Stitch Nitch, a needlework shop, now occupies the building since the 1980s.

C074 This photograph shows the Train Depot, no longer used, and fallen into a deteriorated state. Railroad Crossing sign is still standing.

C075 A photograph of the Museum of the Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society, marker 1834. The original owner of the building was Dr. Garrett Voorhees. Restoration began in 1970.

C076(1) A photograph of Warren F. Johnson, organist of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey and secretary to President Wilson. Later, he was the organist of the Church of the Pilgrims (Presbyterian) in Washington, D.C. 1929-1976.


C078 This is a photograph of the Cranbury Fire Company new pump truck. Two men in suits, one wearing a soft hat,one a derby are shown. Mathew Rue house left, Barclay house center, bank on right.

C079 This photograph shows an ice storm. Main Street trees are completely covered in ice and snow. Horse and carriage with several men is also pictured.

C080 A photograph of fifteen band members with instruments posing with James Goodwin, bandmaster, in a suit with a straw hat.

C081 A photograph of thirty eight students assembled on the outside stairs of the Old School. Laura Scudder and Margaret Gibson noted as possible teacher. Twenty-seven students are identified.

C083 A photograph of new "Cranbury Paint and Hardware" owners, Rocco and Judy D'Armiento, Jr. and children Rocco III, and Anthony. They bought the store from Barry Clayton.

C084 This is a photograph of the lake at springtime, taken from south to north at lakeside, showing properties near the shore.

C085 This photograph was taken from the southeast corner of the United Methodist Church showing stained glass windows along the south side and front portico.

C086 A line photograph of the railroad track, overgrown with grass and shrubs.

C087 A photograph of Scott Avenue 1 to 5, built circa 1850 by William Carson, as the American Hotel. It was formerly located on Main Street across from the United Methodist Church at 14 North Main Street, Cranbury, New Jersey It later became an apartment house.























































C089(1) A photograph of the graduating class of 1966.

C089(2) A photograph of classes from 1953? to date. Black and white, and color. Arranged chronologically. Photographs missing: 1957; 1958; 1962; 1965; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1972; 1973; 1974


C090 File of the Graduation Exercises, from 1951 to 1980. Following programs are missing: 1952;1954;1955;1957; 1977;ADD GRADUAION PICTURES 8x10 OTHER PICS MAY SHOW UP

C091 This photograph is of an eighth grade class with teacher, Mrs. Geraldine Nostrand.

C092 A photograph of the 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson. Many attendees names are included.


C094 This is a Christmas card, drawing, created by Jane Zingg Huff. It portrays the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey, cemetery, and surrounding homes.

C095 In this photograph, Mrs. Peg Davison shows off a t-shirt which she just received. It was one of several presented to her by Sunday School, First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey by Kathleen Crane, Director of Education.

C096 Here we have two pictures of Goodwin's Band, one a postcard, duplicate of one in file, and a news clipping. Musicians' names are written in ink.

C097 This photograph was taken in 1912 when Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson built their first house on the right on Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey. In 1937 Les and Harriet Perrine bought the house for $7000 and lived there for 49 years.

C098 A photograph of 4 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clayton lived here along with Anna Chamberlain, Arthur's wife's sister. Later, Allen Balbier, a lawyer, lived here, followed by Clyde Sechler.

C099 This photograph shows 6 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey, the home of Mrs. Minnie Van Dyke Symmes and daughter Mary. Stan Thomas' family later lived here. Also shown is 8 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey, home of Julia Scudder, dressmaker, and Laura, Cranbury teacher.

C100 A photograph of 7 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey, in which Arthur Burroughs lived on left side. He married Emma Mershon. Several different families lived here over time. It is an English Tudor type home.

C101 A photograph of 12 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey, first owned by Ed Chamberlain, followed by Bill Schanck. In 1986, it was bought by Bill H. Schanck, Jr. The house was probably built between 1927 and 1928. It is a brick house.

C102 A photograph of 11 Symmes Court, Cranbury, New Jersey, built by the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey, and was original Manse, 1740. The Brown family lived here for years. The Bunting rented the house for years. Surrounding area was all fields.

C103 This photograph is of the Warren Ely house, the first of the Ely houses in Cranbury. It was most likely built about 1925. It is located at the corner of Symmes Ct. and Cranbury Neck Rd.

C104 A photograph of the house at 38 South Main Street was originally owned by Ella Chamberlin but later bought by Adrian VanRavenstyn, who operated the Cranbury Inn. He enlarged it and then Ralph Taylor lived here many years.

C105 Two and a half story, three bays across, wrap-around front porch. Corner Station Road, Cranbury, New Jersey.Former home of Wherry Zingg, registrar of Rutgers U.


C107 Two story, with dormer, front porch has four columns. William Denison, wife Anna, children, Bill, George and Patty lived here. Sold to M/M Speer, here in 1986.

C108 Bertram Clayton built house and lived here many years. Sold to Art and Sally MacDonald. Two and a half story, front porch, four columns.

C109 Owned by Janet Reece. Lived in by Walter Scotts, parents of LeRoy Scott. Huffington, Killingsworth and later M/M Bob McKillips lived here.

C110 Owned by Daniel W. Claytons. He was a surragate for Middlesex County. Was a farmer, lived near Union Valley before Cranbury. Sons, Bert and Arthur. Lucks house

C111 Petty brothers and sister Lizzie, dressmaker owned house. Bob Kugler made many improvements, followed by George Ginander and Jim Whalen, also improved.

C112 Built as Manse for the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, New Jersey. First resident, Rev. Joseph Curry and wife, May. Two and a half story. Clapboard on square columns.

C113 Two story, additional room on left side. Two sets double windows and one set triple in center, second floor.

C114 Built 1915 by M/M Symmes Perrine who lived here 37 years. M/M Bill Hoffman here twenty years. Sold 1952 to Benczes for $17ꯠ.

C115 Built by M/M Alvin Forman, later owned by Richard Hoaglands parents. Later owned by Semlacks, and Ingegneri. More information on photograph.

C116 Norland lived here 1980's. Built by Maude Rue. M/M Joseph Dey (Adah Voorhees) lived here before Norlands. Owned by Rev. John Murray, missionary to China.





C124 Author-resident to give talk for friends of Cranbury Public Library

C125 Resident of Cranbury, New Jersey

C126 Construction of new homes in Cranbury.

C127 "Goodwin House" with elaborate painting and fence, four figures seen

C128 Front view, summer time

C128 Front view, summer time. Built 1886, John S. Silvers

C129 Partial front view

C130 Full front view, with three unidentified people walking by

C131 Front view, hitching post visible bottom right, Scott Ave. on left

C132 Front view, showing iron fence and gate across driveway


C134 Twenty seven men in uniform

C136 Front view with beautiful snow scene

C137 Unidentified location, 5 bay house in background, hearse with lamp, unidentified woman in doorway and driver

C138 View from southeast to north, stained glass windows, dark front door, Parish Hall, four boys by side of church

C140 Location 5 North Main Street, Cranbury, New Jersey, sign on front :"Bergen&Rue", with two unidentified men


C142 Fund-raising committee, 1959 addition to church

C143 Front view, David Clayton, built 1872


C145 Leader Bob Kugler handing Eagle award to Bob Hand

C146 Nine Boy Scouts, Cranbury, New Jersey with two celebrities

C148 Troop 52, 11 scouts on winter hike, all identified on back

C149 Troop 52 in summer, with B. Kugler, scoutmaster, most scouts identified

C150 Troop 52, summer camping, some identified

C151 Troop 52, playing a game, all identified

C152 Picture of camp Pahaquarra, entire camp but no names.

C153 Picture at doorway of Hoke home, 6 N. Main St.

C154 Class photo of 5th grade, almost all identified

C155 Subject elegantly dressed, seated in carved chair


C157 Lake dried up from drought, view from lake bed looking toward old Firehouse, Cranbury, New Jersey

C158 Museum property before restauration- front view

C159 Irrigating spinach fields on Half Acre Rd.

C160 Committee members all holding onto C.Scnell's hand, taken at dinner 12/19/1966

C161 Retirement dinner for Charlie Scnell

C162 Two unidentified men in front of store, 5 N. Main St.

























































