
68 Items

E001 Street paving by steam roller, 17 men dressed for the occasion, from worker to dignitary. Surveyor using a transit.

E002 Group of twelve men and women, dressed in costume, man in black face. May have been photographed on stage in building behind Odd Fellows Hall.

E003 Sign, located at North Main St. entrance to village, shows David Brainerd, missionary, preaching to Indians.

E004 Spice Mill. Eleven men and four women standing in front of mill.Rear of building brick with six windows. Jim Phares, holding reigns of three harnessed horses.

E005 Group of 17 Cranbury firemen and one young boy. Men wearing Company hats and belts and celebrating an event.Two men with bouquets of flowers.

E006 Large group of men, women and children assembled in front of house for photo.Very clear picture. People are unknown.

E007 38 S.Main St., group of fourteen men and women gathered near the porch of a large white house. The clothing is very clear. People range from children to elderly.

E008 Dey family. Very large group, in front of large house.

E009 Taken from southeast corner, five stained glass windows, two men and four boys, parish house to right of church; hitching posts, utility poles.

E010 Group picture of 17 Cranbury firemen and young boy. Men dressed in dark shirts, a variety of ties, and metal Cranbury firemen hats. Sixteen men identified.

E011 Seven postal employees with their wagons and horses in front of the "post office" on North Main St.

E012 Briefly, the Society maintained a small building as a museum, located at 15 S.Main St. Zoning laws forced Society into large quarters.

E013 Photograph of "Rules For The Government of the Public Schools of Cranbury Township". Rules include Term, Sessions, Tardiness, Excuses, Course of Study, Etc.

E014 Penmanship samples used in teaching cursive writing in grade schools. Two photographs

E015 Workmen, supervisors, and town dignitaries photographed in front of heavy roller. Only three men identified.

E016(1) Photographs of the crib dam under the bridge. Dam discovered when sewer lines were installed.


E017(1) Calendar. Each month is illustrated by a local artist, and done by pen or pencil. Cranbury life is depicted.April,December missing.












E018 Cranbury School under construction, designed and built by William Walker. Mr. Walker, four bricklayers, and three other workers.

E020 Marker c.1869. George Barclay house. Two story, white frame, small room added on right, four square columns support roof of porch.

E021 Two-story white frame, three bay, four columns support roof. three sets lights around door. Marker--

E022 White frame, two story, five windows across, peaked center section of roof. Four narrow columns support roof. (Prospect ST?? NAME CHANGED??)

E023 1840, Originally was a single frame, an addition doubled size. Five windows across, white picket fence. Restored.

E024 Marker c.1834. Home of Dr. Garrett Voorhees, first owner. Two story frame, three windows across,small porch, with two simple columns. Restored early 1970's.

E025 Marker 1850, Carson's Tavern, later American Hotel. Located originally across from Methodist Church, Main St. Seven square columns support roof and upper porch.

E026 1834-George Morris house. Used as Cranbury Post Office 1907-1910. Postal rack located in front window of house,. now in Museum basement.


E028 Five bay. Four panelled front door. Two window dormer over central door with light each side of door. John Embley House, c1881

E029 Marker c.1861, John Petty. Doctors Whittaker, Van Dyke and Miller practiced here.

E030 Marker, 1790 Joseph Carson house. Six windows across. Roof of porch supported by square colums, with railings. Lights over door. Second door to right.

E031 Marker c.1860, Samuel Jernee. Three level, flat roof, five double arched small bays. Double front doors, porch, porte cochere, ionic columns.

E032 Two attached brick houses, no. 11 has lights over and on each side of door, with extended frame, including columns, no. 13 has simple windows, door, lower roof.

E033 J.S.Silvers, c.1886 DESCRIPTION--check book.

E034 Elias Dey House,Marker 1860. White frame, three four-over four pane windows. Porch supported by four round, simple columns, 3 steps. Room added right rear.

E035 ???????????????????? Locate and reconstruct information. A Deery photograph.

E036 Three bay with single arched window, third floor. porch with simple square columns, addition to left side. Former location of Sander's Poultry Farm.

E037 Located south of 12 S. Main St. sold dry goods, groceries, shoes, household goods, etc. Nine employees in photograph. Operated from 1866-1930.

E040 West side view of house with two people

E041 East side view of house




E045 Subject shown at construction site - plans in hand.

E046 Cranbury high school students, at high school in Hightstown, only one identified

E047 Aerial view of town

E048 Aerial view of town

E049 Church decorated with banners titled, "Welcome Home"

E050 Inside of First Pres. Church where the center light fixture was an oil burning one

E051 Front view of Cranbury Post Office


E053 Directors of the First National Bank of Cranbury

E054 Family portrait; need help reading names and getting more info

E055 Man standing on the steps of the First National Bank of Cranbury

E056 A group of women posing for a picture in four rows

E069 Looking east from Patterson Farm. Wright's Rose's right; Danser farm left. Continental Insurance Company upper left.

E070 Looking east from Patterson Farm. Wright's Rose's right; Danser farm left. Continental Insurance Company upper left.

F001 front view of central part, street appears unpaved. Front door painted white.