 PDS 39 Middle School students on a playground behind the school, 1970s.
 PDS 41 An aerial view of the PDS campus in the 1970s.
 PDS 51 1970-1971 Cymbals staff: Robbie Holt, John Leyzorek, Liz Tomlinson, Wistar Williams, Judy Kleinberg, Alan Bogdonoff.
 PDS 56 The formal dress code remained in place for several years.
 PDS 56
 PDS 56
 PDS 56
 PDS 57 Chris Reeve '70 and Allison Gilbert '70 make music in 1970.
 PDS 58 Classics Teacher Quinn McCord with students in 1977
 PDS 59 The Class of 1986 in fourth grade
 PDS 61 The Class of 1986 graduated from Lower School in 1978.
 PDS 63 The English department performed Brush Up Your Shakespeare> in the 1976 Faculty Revue, written and directed by Music Teacher Mag Gilbert: (front row) Judy Michaels, Anne Shepherd, Lucy Haagen, (back row) Bob Krueger, Mike Merle-Smith, Huson Gregory, Dale Griffee, Sally Gilbert MFS '65, John Boneparth, Steve Lawrence, Clare Lockhart, Bob Denby, Don Roberts, Bob Miller PCD '51.
 PDS 64 John Battle '71 with an art project
 PDS 65 A ham radio enthusiast in 1978
 PDS 66 Young musicians performed for parents and friends in the theater lobby in 1970.
 PDS 67 The Class of 1974 in the finale of their eighth grade production, Hello, Sandy, Farewell Fowler.
 PDS 68 Members of the Class of 1978
 PDS 69 The varsity and junior varsity girls soccer team in the fall of 1973 with Coach Bobbie Hance Blama (back, second from right).
 PDS 70 Headmaster Doug McClure and girls lacrosse players cheer on their team.
 PDS 71 1970 ice hockey
 PDS 73 Lacrosse players Peter Moore '73 and Dave Barach '73
 PDS 74 PE Teacher Ann Penny helped even the youngest gymnasts conquer new heights, c. 1972.
 PDS 75 1975 Classmates and 1975 football captains Shawn Ellsworth and Keith Thomas
 PDS 76 The boys lacrosse team c. 1975
 PDS 78 The 1970 girls varsity tennis team: (back row) ??, Randy Gulick, Liz Pratt, Ellen Sussman, ??, Nancy Kendall, (front row) Kathy McClure, Robin Kraut, Chris Smith.
 PDS 79 Field hockey fun c. 1970
 PDS 80 The undefeated boys varsity soccer team celebrates its state championship with fans and coach Tom DeVito in 1977.
 PDS 160 The 1970-1971 Link staff: Katie Poole, George Treves, Paul Lyman, Chris Smith, Arlene Opatut, Bobbi Fishman, Nina Shafran.
 PDS 161 1969-1970 Athletic Association Presidents Pam Woodworth and Jimmy Rogers seesaw in the snow.
 PDS 162 The orchestra tunes up in 1972.
 PDS 163 Undaunted by size, Kenny Makin '83 tackles the cello. (1970s)
 PDS 164 1977 Lacrosse All-Stars, (back row) John Haroldson '77, Rob Olsson '78, Mark Zawadsky '77 (left) and Don Gips '77 (right) with Coach Bob Krueger.
 PDS 165 A chorus line from Anything Goes (late 1970s).
 PDS 166 Kathy McClure '71, Connie Cain '72 and Susan Ross '73 check the progress of a drive to demonstrate the tangible bulk of a million pennies.
 PDS 167 The Madrigal Singers, a tradition imported from Miss Fine's and enhanced by the addition of male voices at PDS, was directed by Frank Jacobson (far left), and in 1978 (above) won the Festival de Musique Quebec in its first competition outside Princeton.
 PDS 168 Coach John Boneparth (back row, far left) and staff with the football team c. 1972
 PDS 169 A field hockey goalie rushes the ball in the striking circle c. 1976.
 PDS 171 Coach Pam Frothingham (far right) with her varsity volleyball team c. 1977.
 PDS 214 Middle School Head Mike Merle-Smith with his English students, 1976.
 PDS 215
 PDS 215
 PDS 215
 PDS 216 Lifelong friendships are forged at PDS. Here, Jenny Hawkes '86 makes her opinion known as Whip Burks '86 gets an exuberant hug from a classmate in 1975.
 PDS 229 Athletic Director Jan Baker (right) coached this 1979 junior basketball team: (back row) Laurie Gallup, ??, Lorna Mack, ??, ?? Sarah Cragg, Peggy Stabler, Keri Sheehan, ?? (front row) Holly Hegener, Carolyn Cuesta, Ashley Ammidon, Janet Zawadsky, Louise Matthews, Kelly Lambert, Beth Barclay and Kari Bowen.
 PDS 230 Taking a break in the music room, c. 1974.
 PDS 246 On Medieval Day, sixth graders brought their study of the Middle Ages alive with period costumes, events, food, music and even jousting tournaments. (c. 1976)
 PDS 248 History Teacher and Coach Eamon Downey (far left) with an early cross-country team.
 PDS 250 An early 1970s Ski Club waits for snow: Carl Sturken, Jeff Schuss, Roger Williams, Steve Zudnak, Giovanni Ferrante, Dick Olcott.
 PDS 251 1970 Boys soccer team: John Paine, Art Levy, Don Millner, Robbie Holt (co-captain), Mr. Ivors, David Seckel (cocaptain), Jeremy Gordon, Cam Ferrante |
 PDS 252 A Middle School student perfects a woodworking project.
 PDS 253 The Christmas story as told by lower schoolers, (1970s)
 PDS 254 The 1978 cast of The Man Who Came to Dinner, including actor/director/teacher Herbert McAneny in center.
 PDS 256 A chorus line rehearses in the early 1970s.
 PDS 257 Music Department Chair Frank Jacobson with the 1979 Madrigals
 PDS 271 The second grade operetta c. 1976.
